Legal notice



The contact details of the service provider and holder of the website onwards, Website) are as follows:

  • Identity: COBOGROUP, SLU
  • NRT: L-715211-U
  • Address: Carretera Coll d'Ordino, Edifici Terratorta, Bloc B, 3rd 1st – AD300, Ordino Principality of Andorra.
  • Brand: Kanbori (Data Protection Responsible – DPD).
  • Telephone: +376 699 288
  • Email:


This legal notice and terms of use (hereinafter, "Law Warning") regulates user access, navigation, and use of the Web. The user accessing the Web, while browsing the Web, accepts this legal notice and terms of use and agrees to use the Web, as well as the services and content hosted, in accordance with this Legal notice and under its sole and exclusive responsibility, in accordance with the applicable rules.

Access to the information contained on this website is left to users who access the website in a particular and individual way, at no cost. The marketing of the right of access is expressly prohibited.


Below are Terms and Terms of Use from

Browsing through this website and its contents means that the user assumes all the obligations outlined here.

These Terms of Use will have an indefinite validity period. The Entity reserves the right to modify and/or update them at any time without prior notice, so it is recommended to review them frequently. Compliance with these will benefit all those involved.

3.1 User Obligations and responsibilities
The User agrees to use the website in the terms provided for in the current Terms of Use and not to act or allow third parties to act on their behalf by:
    • Make and distribute copies of the website.
    • Trying to copy, play, alter or modify, reverse engineering, disarm, decompile, transfer, swap, or translate the website
    • And usually not to create any kind of project derived from the website.
3.2 Entity Guarantees and Responsibility
Kanbori puts the maximum thrust on the accuracy and update of the information published on the website. However, it does not take responsibility for the consequences of reading it.

Also, given the speciality of the Internet media, Kanbori is not responsible:

    • The damage linked to the temporary impossibility of accessing the website
    • Any damage, damage or loss (including the error or inaccuracy of the information) if such anomalies, defects, errors, viruses or technical inaccuracies of the website are caused by errors in the terminal or internet and/or user.
    • Likewise, it does not guarantee the reliability, availability or continuity of the website's operation so the user excludes Entity from any liability that may be due to a lack of availability, reliability or continuity of the website or its contents.
    • And, in general, the user will not hold Entity responsible for the existence of any viruses that might infect its equipment as a result of its access.
However, Kanbori will try to make it easier, as far as possible, to provide technical assistance to the user and will immediately try to restore the interruption. For all of these reasons, if at some point there were any errors or anomalies during use, please contact us at email address
Also, Kanbori may include within its content links to belonging and/or managed third-party sites in order to facilitate access to information available over the Internet. Kanbori does not assume any responsibility for the existence of links between the contents of this site and content located outside it. These links or mentions have an exclusively informational purpose and in no case do they imply support, approval, marketing or any relationship between the Entity and the persons or entities that author and/or manage these content or holders of the places where they are located.


3.3 Intellectual Property Rights
The entire Website, as well as its description and features, text, images, brands, logos, buttons, color combinations and the structure, selection, sorting and presentation of its contents, is protected by Andorran laws on intellectual and industrial property. Under no circumstances does access to the website mean any kind of waiver, transmission or transfer of the rights granted by the Andorran intellectual and industrial property legislation.
Reproduction, copying, use, distribution, reuse, exploitation, making second copies, mailing, transmission, modification, transfer or any other act that is done with all or part of the information contained in this website that has not been expressly authorised by the holder, is totally prohibited.
The user will refrain from using the content and, in particular, information of any kind obtained through the site to send advertising, commercial communications, unsolicited messages aimed at a plurality of people regardless of purpose, and to refrain from marketing or disseminating this information in any way.


Kanbori respects current data protection legislation in such a way as to guarantee the privacy of personal data and information security, taking the technical and organisational measures necessary to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorised access or theft of personal data or confidential information, taking into account the state of technology, nature of data and the risks to which it is exposed.

You can consult more information on the processing of personal data by accessing this Website's Privacy Policy.


These conditions are governed by Andorran law. Any doubts that may arise in the fulfilment and interpretation of these will be submitted to the Courts and Courts of Andorra, with the parties surrendering to any law that might correspond to them.
